Bare-ing It All
At my makeup academy, I teach the art of makeovers. However, it’s not open to professional makeup artists. I instruct real women on how to do everyday makeup on their own, with the hopes that they will teach a similar kind of class on their own in the future.
Makeup gives me strength. Even on the days when my self-confidence is low, it can help me to feel a little bit better. I’m happy to say that I’ve finally reached a point in my life where I feel good with or without any makeup on. I’ll put it on when I’m going out but tend to stay fresh faced when at home. As I began to appreciate my natural complexion more and more, my daily makeup became a lot less heavy. Now, I like an almost entirely bare look, and hope to go out one day wearing this look.
The first kind of lipstick that I ever wore was Yves St. Laurent #19 Le Fuchsia.

My father gave it to me as a gift when I turned sixteen, so it holds a lot of special memories. The color is a little flamboyant for someone my age, so I’ve been wanting to try it mixed with a little clear lip gloss for a more transparent look. I also love the idea of hair fragrances. Miss Dior Hair Mist is my current favorite—I always get a little pick me up whenever I spray it. I also love the feminine design of the bottle.

As an all over moisturizer, I use Arome Douce lotion. It has a calming effect, so I’ll put it on my neck whenever I’m feeling tired. The refreshing scent reawakens me.

Facing Myself
Growing up, I was terribly insecure. Makeup helped me gain a sense of confidence—I could erase my scars or have longer eyelashes. But aging is inevitable and concealing everything is impossible. So instead, I try to look at makeup as something fun and exciting.
Rather than worry about hiding large pores or blemishes, I want to experiment with different colors and shades on my face. Having beautiful skin is important but allowing makeup to be a playful thing can help elevate your mood.
Perfection = An Illusion
I just turned 41 years old, and I like myself so much better now as an adult. I feel much more comfortable in my own skin. Trying to look perfect all the time can be so exhausting, especially when you’re comparing yourself to advertisements. What we don’t see is that celebrities always have stylists, makeup artists, and editors to help them. Throughout my youth, I was always aiming for perfect hair, makeup, and outfits before going out—I can’t believe I did that every day! It felt impossible to keep up with, and I’m glad I finally realized what a mistake I was making.
The Many Seasons of Aging
I’m always sad when the winter comes because I really love gardening. But I once heard a florist say that winter allows for tree branches to be seen in their purest forms, and those words really resonated with me. Each season has its own unique beauty.

I now apply that same mentality to aging. I used to try and hide the physical changes that my body went through, but these words of wisdom allowed me to embrace my self-growth.
Love the Skin You’re In
My school puts me in contact with all different kinds of women. Many tell me that they feel so insecure about their looks that they can’t even enjoy makeup. Seeing the way that models look in magazines doesn’t help either. People are so quick to point out their flaws, and not even embrace the quirks that make them so charming! I want them to recognize their own beauty and feel confident about it. For example, I have very white, pale skin. Japanese people love this look, so I receive a lot of compliments. I actually think that olive skin colors are so beautiful. I’ll never get this way because my skin just burns in the sun! But I want people to recognize that every skin color is beautiful in its own special way.

I also hear a lot of complaints about people feeling like their eyes are too small, their noses are too big, you name it. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and point out the qualities that you like! You only get one life to live, so you might as well embrace and enjoy it. People shine so brightly once they’ve learned how to cherish themselves.